

2010/09/01 網站增加"如何下載影片?" 教學頁面 (上方分類)
2011/03/11 網站增加各文章單獨留言系統,刪除Cbox,增加分享功能



2010-03-30 V      12thDemo Rehersal
2010-04-07 V      12thDemo Graduation
2010-06-18 AO1 Eco-Science
2010-06-22 AS1 The Golden Eggs
2010-08-14 E      12th Demo Graduation
2010-09-24 AE    Apprecitaion to Teachers
2010-09-24 AE    Article Report Pt.1
2010-10-01 AE    Article Report Pt.2 & Reading Aloud
2010-10-07 AW1 Reading Aloud; Optical illusions
2010-10-08 AE    Art Appreciation 【Flora】
2010-11-05 AO1 Photo Stories
2010-11-     AO1 The Story of Thanksgiving
2010-11-25 AH1 Appreciation Time on Thanksgiving
2010-11-26 AS1 Recitation : Real Easy Reading
2010-12-16 AH1 Tina - Read aloud.
2010-12-18 AW1 Christmas Activities~
2010-12-18/22 AO1 Recitation Task U1-U10
2010-12-XX  AE movie report - Jack
2011-01-07 AH1 Oral Reading Fluency - Emily
2011-01-06 AO1 Recitation Task U11~U15 r1
2011-01-08 AO1 Recitation Task U11~U15 r2
2011-01-15 AO1 Recitation Task U16~U20 r1
2011-01-20 AO1 Recitation Task U16~U20 r2
2011 AS1 Chinese New Year Blessing
2011-01-29 AE New Year Resolution & Year End Party!
2011-02-23 AE movie report
2011-02-25 AE New Year Resolution - Jack
2011-02-26 AO1 Recitation Task Round 1&2
2011-03-02 AH1 Reading aloud- Credit Cards- Emily
2011-03-03 AH1 15 seconds response
2011-03-03 AE Myth of Origin
2011-05-06 AX Mother's Day
2011-06-15 AS1 6th Demo
2011-10-15 J 12thDemo Graduation
2011-11-13 O McDonald's


2010-06-18 AR1 Real Easy Reading U11 Reciting
2010-08-20 AR1 Do it Yourself! Cookie~~
2010-10-19 AR1 RERU14 The Joshua Tree and The Pronuba Moth
2010-11-     AR1 RERU25 A Green Day